Port of Catoosa

5002 Bird Creek Avenue
Catoosa, OK 74015
t. +1-918-523-9191 | +1-800-864-8794
e. sales@lcm-wci.com

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Contact: Andrii Kurylyshyn
Supervisor, Production & Service Support – Middle East
Email: akurylyshyn@lcm-wci.com
Mobile (KSA): +966.050.756.5239


Saurabh Jawa (New Delhi)
Email: sjawa@lcm-wci.com
Mobile (IN): +91 729.008.0707


Casey E. Halford
Director, Sales & Field Services
Email: int-sales@lcm-wci.com | USA Mobile: +1.918.520.0786


Dewayne Vogt (Tulsa, Oklahoma)
Email: dvogt@lcm-wci.com |
sales@lcm-wci.com |
Mobile: +1.918.858.5108

Randon Lingle (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
Email: rlingle@lcm-wci.com |
sales@lcm-wci.com |
Mobile: +1.405.435.8891