Need an upgrade? Lee C. Moore, A Woolslayer Company’s qualified staff of Professional Engineers can complete a survey of your current equipment and run an analysis to determine the modification package right for your operation.
The group recently completed a racking platform upgrade for a domestic drilling contractor operating in the Permian Basin. This overhaul included increasing racking capacity from 200 stands to 264 stands of 5 in. drill pipe. (25,000 ft at 95 ft per stand) also accommodates 5-1/2 in. drill pipe at reduced capacity. The modification consisted of widening the racking platform by approximately 3 ft., replacement “knee” braces, extending the ladder access landing, supplying new rake fingers for both drill pipe sizes, and increased the drill floor setback area for the increased racking capacity.
For more information on how we can assist with your next upgrade, please contact us at or call +1-918-523-9191.